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Field Name Field Description

The unique identifier for the APDC episode

PPN The unique identifier for the patient provided by the Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL)
EPISODE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of an episode during a period of stay.
HOSPITAL_TYPE Flag to indicate if the facility of the APDC episode is public or private
ED_STATUS A flag that indicates whether a patient during an APDC episode of care has been treated within the emergency department, and if so, whether they were also admitted to a ward
SRG Classifies patients according to the type of speciality service they principally receive
AREA_IDENTIFIER Local Health District (LHD) of the facility
ACUTE_FLAG Indicates whether or not the patient received the service at an acute facility
AR_DRG Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Group
AR_DRG_VERSION Version number of the ARDRG codeset
BLOCK_NUMx The ACHI block specific to each procedure code
CLINICAL_CODESET The classification scheme used to code a procedure or diagnosis
CONDITION_ONSET_FLAGx A qualifier for each coded diagnosis, indicating the onset of the condition relative to the beginning of the episode of care. Principal condition onset has ‘P’ suffix
DIAGNOSIS_CODEx Diagnoses for the episode of care coded according to ICD-10-AM edition current at the end of the episode. Principal diagnosis has ‘P’ suffix
DRG_MODE_OF_SEPARATION Status at separation of person (discharge / transfer / death) and place to which the person is released. Only available for public hospitals
EMERGENCY_STATUS_RECODE Urgency of admission. Indicates whether or not, in the opinion of the treating clinician, the admission was an emergency: that is, care or treatment was required within 24 hours. Applies to public hospital data only
EPISODE_OF_CARE_TYPE This item is used to record the principal clinical intent or treatment goal of the care provided to the patient for the episode of care.
FACILITY_IDENTIFIER_RECODE The specific hospital, nursing home or day procedure centre reporting the inpatient episode of care.
FACILITY_TYPE The category of the facility through which the health service is delivered
HOURS_IN_ICU The number of hours the patient spent in a designated intensive care unit for this episode of care
HOURS_ON_MECH_VENTILATION The total number of completed hours that the patient has spent on mechanical ventilation during the episode of care
MDC Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) for the ARDRG
PEER_GROUP Facility peer grouping (Public Hospitals only)
PROCEDURE_CODEx The ACHI code specific to each procedure undertaken during an episode of care, defining what was performed during the associated episode/event. Principal (or first listed) procedure has ‘P’ suffix
SRG_VERSION Service Related Group (SRG) version
UNIT_TYPE_ON_ADMISSION The designation of each bed, in terms of type of care or group of patients, which the patient is accommodated in during his/her stay in hospital. Only available for public hospitals
EPISODE_START_DATE The date on which an admitted patient commences an episode of care, by either a formal admission to the hospital or a type change to a subsequent episode within the one stay in hospital
EPISODE_END_DATE The date on which an admitted patient completes an episode of care, by either a formal discharge from the hospital or by a statistical type change to a subsequent episode.
EPISODE_START_TIME The time at which an admitted patient commences an episode of care, by either a formal admission to the hospital or a type change to a subsequent episode within the one stay in hospital.
EPISODE_END_TIME The time at which an admitted patient completes an episode of care, by either a formal discharge from the hospital or by a statistical type change to a subsequent episode
MODE_OF_SEPARATION_RECODE The method (discharge, death, transfer, etc) by which the patient separates from the episode of care
SOURCE_OF_REFERRAL_RECODE The source from which the person was referred to the hospital.
REFERRED_TO_ON_SEPARATION_RECODE This variable records the service to which the patient was referred on separation from this episode of care
FACILITY_TRANS_FROM_RECODE The hospital, nursing home or day procedure centre the patient was transferred from
FACILITY_TRANS_TO_RECODE The hospital, nursing home or day procedure centre the patient was transferred to
STAY_NUMBER_HASHED The encrypted stay number for each period of stay
PROCEDURE_LOCATIONx The location where the procedure was delivered. Principal (or first listed) procedure has ‘P’ suffix.
DICTERROR_EMERGENCY_STATUS Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the emergency_status field for this episode
DICTERROR_EMERGENCY_STATUS_PRIV Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the emergency_status_priv field for this episode
DICTERROR_REFERRED_TO_ON_SEPARATION Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the referred_to_on_separation field for this episode
DICTERROR_SOURCE_OF_REFERRAL Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the source_of_referral field for this episode
DICTERROR_FACILITY_TYPE Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the facility_type field for this episode
DICTERROR_SRG Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the srg field for this episode
DICTERROR_AREA_IDENTIFIER Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the area_identifier field for this episode
DICTERROR_ACUTE_FLAG Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the acute_flag field for this episode
DICTERROR_MDC Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the mdc field for this episode
DICTERROR_MODE_OF_SEPARATION Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the mode_of_separation field for this episode
NESTED_EP Flag that indicates if this episode is a nested episode, e.g. an episode that occurs within another episode. This occurs when the patient is transferred to another facility without being discharged from the first facility. The nested episode facility is often a private facility that performs day procedures.
EPISODESET A sequential number from 0 for each ppn that identifies the order of hospital admissions within the APDC episodes. There can be multiple episodes in an episodeset. Transfers from one facility to another are considered to be in the same episodeset.
TRANSSEQ A sequential number from 0 for each ppn that identifies the order of episodes within an episodeset
FIRSTADM The admission date of the first episode in an episodeset
FINSEP The discharge date of the last episode in an episodeset
NUM_SEPS The number of episodes (or separations) in an episodeset
LOS2 The length of stay of this episode
TOTLOS The total length of stay for the episodeset
TTREAD The number of days between the findsep of the previous episodeset to the firstadm of this episodeset
FIRSTEP Flag that indicates if the episode is the first episode in an episodeset
LASTEP Flag that indicates if the episode is the last episode in an episodeset