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The SURGERY table contains information relating to a surgical case completed by the theatre nurses.

Field Name Field Description
SURGERY_ID The unique primary identifier of the surgery table
ENCOUNTER_ID The foreign key linking the record to the encounter table
SURGICAL_AREA The surgical area associated with this surgical case
ROOM Used for Surgery Mgmt Reporting -- indicates the OR Number assoc. w/ this case
SPECIALITY Identifies the type of proceduralist performing the surgery (i.e. Cardiothoracic, Vascular etc.)
CASE_NUMBER The formatted Surgical case number
CASE_TYPE Indicates the type of case (e.g. elective, emergency). Elective cases are procedures where the patient was put on a wait list and is admitted from home for the procedure. Emergency cases are procedures that were scheduled during an inpatient visit
PRIMARY_PROCEDURE Standardised text description of the primary surgical procedure
SECONDARY_PROCEDURE Standardised text description of secondary surgical procedures
PLANNED_PROCEDURE Standardised text description of the procedure that was planned
ACTUAL_PROCEDURE Standardised text description of the procedure that was performed
MODIFIER Indicates the anatomical location of the procedure (e.g. left, right) if applicable
PT_IN_ROOM_DT_TM The date and time that the patient entered the operating theatre room
PT_OUT_ROOM_DT_TM The date and time that the patient exited the operating theatre room
ROOM_DURATION Indicates the total number of minutes the patient was in the operating theatre room
SURGERY_START_DT_TM The date and time the surgical case started.
SURGERY_STOP_DT_TM The surgery stop date and time.
PROCEDURE_DURATION Indicates the total duration of this case in minutes
ANEAS_START_DT_TM The date and time that the anaesthetic was commenced
ANEAS_STOP_DT_TM The date and time that the anaesthetic was ceased
ANAES_DURATION Indicates the total number of minutes the patient was administered anaesthetic
CLINICAL_PRIORITY Indicates the clinical priority of procedures with a case type of 'elective'
EMERG_PRIORITY Indicates the clinical priority of inpatient procedures with a case type of emergency
ASA Indicates the American Society of Anaethesiology (ASA) class associated with this case
ANAES_TYPE Indicates the anesthesia type associated with this case (e.g. General, local)